The book of Loulou
- On 15/10/2023
New book project
Expeected for the end of the year/ beginning of 2024: The Loulou book
For mature readers only (+18)In 1920, a girl disapear mysteriously at night in the alley of the Parc Monceau
It will be 200 pages of of photos never seen before
with illustrations and photos in inspired by the young model Loulou.
I will release as usual, a self edited and printed edition of less than a hundred copies.
- On 22/04/2023
Cette année encore, j'ai la chance d'avoir été sélectionné par le jury du Festival des Arts Erotiques de Seattle.
A chaque fois depuis près de 10 ans je suis toujours chaleureusement invité à exposer un tableau.Cette année c'est le portrait de la belle Bellatrix Lust (voir son compte Instagram) qui a été sélectionné.
Il a été vendu avant même l'ouverture du salon.
Merci aux acheteurs et collectionneurs fidèles, à ceux qui suivent ma peinture, ici et à Seattle.
Je peins pour vous.
This year again, I was selected by the jury of the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival.
Each time, for almost 10 years, I am always warmly invited to exhibit a painting.This year it was the portrait of the beautiful Bellatrix Lust (see her Instagram account) that was selected. It was sold even before the exhibition opened.
Thank you to the loyal buyers and art collectors, to those who follow and support my painting, here and in Seattle.
I paint for you.
- On 10/12/2022
Part II of the Louison's diary is available
New chapters of the diary of the young Parisian girl Louison, her confidences on her dates with her lovers in Paris in 2022.
NEW ⚠️IN ENGLISH and FRENCH version in the same book.
For mature readers only (+18)150 pages with 75 illustrations and photos in color inspired by the young model Louison.
First limited and numeroted edition ( 199 copies) with additionnal photos and gifts.
About Domiane
Born in 1971, French artist Hector Domiane mainly paints nudes and intimate female portraits. He studied art at the Dupperé School of Applied Arts in Paris. His painting mixes the academic nude and a universe revolving around seduction and dreamlike.
His works have been exhibited in Paris, Seattle and at the former Erotic Art Museum in Amsterdam.